The Bagua Map Mini-Course

Discover the Energy Map of Your Home

A course that finally explains the secrets of the Bagua Map in a fun and magical way

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Over 300 rave reviews from previous students and clients learning from Nixie Marie and her Feng Shui teachings.



Which Lucy do you relate to most?

If you are experiencing any of the following...


You're getting more than enough sleep, or maybe you aren't and every day you feel like you're struggling to stay awake as if something is literally zapping your energy. And it is certainly not those afternoon cocktails with Ethel.

Let's take a look to see where your bedroom lands on the Bagua Map.


Money troubles, huh? Ouch, I feel you. It's never fun to be stuck in the pit of financial stress, just like Lucy trying to balance the household budget! The biggest clue that something's off is when those pesky money problems keep repeating. It feels like you can't hold onto a dollar even if your life depended on it. But wait, it does!

Let's turn that financial frown upside down with some Feng Shui magic.


Got a lot of heat in the vocal cords lately? Feel like you just want to pick up the telephone and scream at the universe, like who in the H-E-double tooth picks is in charge here!!!? News flash, YOU ARE. Let's pump the brakes, and take back your power. That starts with your voice.

It's time to take a look at what might be causing all that turmoil in your throat with some Feng Shui flair.


Is your love life a rollercoaster of emotions? One day you're hot, like Ricky's fiery temper, the next you're spicy, and then suddenly, it's as cold as the Arctic.

Just like Lucy and Ricky, who had their fair share of comedic misunderstandings but always found their way back to love and laughter, you too can resolve the drama in your love life. Let's bring some balance and harmony with a touch of Lucy and Ricky magic!

Your life is more than just a joke.

Discover the secrets of the Bagua Map with a little help from Lucy

Have you ever felt like your life is a bit of a comedy show, filled with hilarious mishaps and unexpected twists? Just like our beloved Lucy from the classic TV show "I Love Lucy," we all face challenges that make us laugh, cry, and sometimes even scratch our heads in confusion. But what if there was a way to bring harmony and balance to your home and life, just like Lucy always tried to do?

Welcome to the Bagua Map Mini-Course, where we channel our inner Lucy to navigate the ups and downs of creating a high-vibe, harmonious living space.

But Nixie, what does Lucy have to do with Feng Shui?

Lucy Ricardo is the perfect example of someone who encounters everyday problems and finds creative, sometimes unconventional, solutions. Her journey can be seen as a metaphor for our own attempts to balance different areas of our lives. By using the Bagua Map, we can bring order to the chaos, just like Lucy would try to do (often with hilarious results). 

If she was here in today's modern world where women aren't just housewives, I believe she would be a mystical Fempreneur running her own business while also managing her household with a little swish and flick of Feng Shui magic.



Jam packed with a lesson plan valued at $227.
Bonus content valued at $150. 
Total value at $377. Yours for just $47!

Channel your inner Lucy...

When it comes to Feng Shui, I like to think of myself as a modern-day Lucy Ricardo. Just like Lucy, my approach is filled with a blend of curiosity, creativity, and a touch of humor. 

Lucy was never afraid to explore new ideas and take bold steps, even if it meant getting into a bit of a pickle. Similarly, my approach to Feng Shui encourages you to explore and experiment with the Bagua Map. Whether you’re rearranging furniture or adding new elements, I guide you with an adventurous spirit, helping you find what truly works for your space.

Ultimately, Lucy’s greatest strength was her big heart and genuine care for those around her. My approach to Feng Shui is rooted in the same principle... creating a home filled with love, warmth, and positive energy. By infusing your space with these qualities, we ensure that it becomes a true reflection of your best self.



Take a look at the lesson plan:

Get to Know The Energy of Your Home

In this lesson, you will explore the foundations of Feng Shui and the energy of your home. Understand the different types of Qi that exist within your space such as Sheng Qi, Sha Qi, and Si Chi. You'll learn how to create a good flow of positive energy and avoid negative and stagnant energy.

An Introduction to the Bagua Map

You will learn the full understanding of the Bagua Map and how it is a fundamental element used in Feng Shui. Just as Lucy had her unique way of tackling problems, you’ll discover how to apply the Bagua Map to your own home, bringing balance and positive energy to each room.

Exploring each GUA of the Bagua Map

Get an in-depth look at the nine areas of the Bagua Map and how they play a role in each area of your life. Included is a list of remedies and enhancements for each GUA. 

How to place the Bagua Map over your floorplan

Learn a simple and clear way of laying the Bagua Map over your floor plan to locate all 9 important areas of your home and how they connect to each area of your life. 

I added a few more goodies from my signature Spellbound Spaces Training...

Check out these awesome bonus videos!

Valued at $150

How to Space Clear Your Homes Energy

Learn different techniques to rid your home of negative vibes. This is a professional approach to space clearing so you'll learn more ways than just lighting the sage to give your home the best cleanse it has ever had. Just like Lucy would clean up her hilarious messes, you'll learn how to cleanse away all that negative energy.

Measure Energy with Dowsing Rods

Ever wondered if you could measure the energy in your home? Well, in this bonus video, you will learn how to use dowsing rods to find those energy hotspots. Picture Lucy, with her curious and adventurous spirit, exploring her home with these magical rods. It's time to channel your inner Lucy and discover the hidden energy flows in your space.

The Investment:  

One time payment


Valued at $377 (Expires in 72hrs)

  • Comprehensive Bagua Map Guide
  • Four in-depth modules
  • Floor plan examples
  • Bonus video: How to Space Clear your Home Professionally
  • Bonus Video: How to Measure Energy using Dowsing Rods
  • A fun yet magical approach to applying Feng Shui in your home

Life before this mini-course

  • Chaotic Spaces: Your home feels cluttered and disorganized, making it hard to relax or focus. It’s like living in one of Lucy's hilarious but chaotic episodes, where everything seems out of place.
  • Stagnant Energy: You experience recurring issues like financial stress or communication breakdowns, and it feels like you just can't catch a break. It’s like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop of sitcom-style problems.

Life after this mini-course

  • High Vibe Home: Your home is a vibey and organized sanctuary, giving you more time to be productive in areas that matter. It’s as if Lucy finally found a way to keep everything in order, bringing peace and joy to her space.
  • Good juju Energy Flow: Your finances are improving, you're feeling crystal clear in your communication, and a general sense of happiness. Life finally feels smoother and with fewer chaotic hiccups! 

What former students are saying...

Michelle Badagliacca

Spiritual Advisor & Psychic Medium, @michelle.the.mystic

“Nixie is amazing! The love she pours into the videos and calls is chef’s kiss. I’ve learned so much about myself, my relationship, and my space in these last few months. I’ll take this knowledge with me throughout the rest of my life."

Carmen Candle

Travel Advisor, @ninthhousetravelco

“Nixie is a Feng Shui Queen! She was so incredibly detailed in her consultation of my home and shortly after implementing changes I embarked on a new journey in my career. I’ve also attended her workshops and she is a WEALTH of knowledge! Seriously, you can try to google this stuff but Nixie makes it make sense!"

Meet your Feng Shui Instructor

I'm Nixie and I'm here to help you create a High Vibe Home

Hi there! I'm Nixie Marie, your friendly Feng Shui guide on this whimsical journey to transform your home and life. Picture me as your modern-day Lucy Ricardo, with a passion for turning chaos into harmony, and a knack for bringing joy to every space.

Just like Lucy's never-ending adventures, my mission is to help you explore the fascinating world of Feng Shui with curiosity and laughter.

I believe that, just like Lucy, we can tackle any challenge with a bit of creativity, a lot of love, and a sprinkle of fun. Together, we'll turn your home into a sanctuary of positive energy, where every day feels like a delightful episode filled with balance and joy.


Join us!

Don’t let your home be a sitcom of chaos. Channel your inner Lucy and bring harmony and laughter into your living space with the Bagua Map Mini-Course. Sign up today and start transforming your home into a sanctuary of peace and balance.

My most asked Feng Shui Questions...

A jam packed mini-course offering high vibes

72hr offer


Valued at $377

  • Comprehensive Bagua Map Guide
  • Four in-depth modules
  • Floor plan examples
  • Bonus video: How to Space Clear your Home Professionally
  • Bonus Video: How to Measure Energy using Dowsing Rods
  • A fun yet magical approach to applying Feng Shui in your home